Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year! New Life!

I'm starting my resolutions again. I can't say that I have stick with it all year round but atleast I have started a little of this and that. I don't want to be hard on myself at this time and I want to congratulate and be happy of my little achievements. So, I'm rewriting my promises for this coming year and I hope that this time, I'll be at the top of my game. I hope to God.

1. Be positive
2. Read good books. Lessen the romance girl!3. Be THANKFUL.
4. EXERCISE more.5. Learn a New Skill or take a course.
6. Save and Invest.7. Lessen Facebook more.
9. Cut the bad foods.
10. Be a blessing and a gift to other people.
11. TRAVEL a lot!
12. Be generous.
13. Be brave and be a risk taker.
14. Win millions.
15. Learn a New Language.
16. Practice Yoga.
17. Be in LOve.


Sunday, November 23, 2014


Dream like you've never dreamed before! Dream like all your dreams will come true. DREAM! DREAM MORE! and DREAM  BEST!

All I want for Xmas

Santa Dearest,
             I know that I haven't been very nice this year and I have been a little bit naughty but I hope that you'll help me with my wish. I hope that I'll be your partner in bringing happiness to those people around me. I do hope I'll be able to give gifts to my family, friends and especially those little adorable kiddos. I don't know if my money is enough to make this happen but I am praying for some miracles. I hope that God will multiply what I have just like what he did to those loaves and fish. Santa, I'm praying and wishing for some supernatural phenomenon and I'll find a pot of gold in our backyard tomorrow morning. Hehehe. But seriously, please help me. PRETTY PLEASE! :)

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Israel, here I come!

I declare it! I claim it! I will be joining with Bro. Bro on a holy pilgrimage to Israel this February 10, 2015. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you Lord!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

that direction ->

Its definitely time for change. I know I've been speaking about it for a very long time but I guess this time, I need to be true to my word. Honestly, until this time, I haven't have any clue how to change my life. I want to be financially free... I want to be mature...I want to be successful...but it seems that my future is a little bit blurry. However, I think I need to change my inner self. It's time to let go of the remnants of my negativity. I think I'm regressing back to my old self. Frustration and self pity is eating my spirit again.
 Lord, please help me to change my life. I know I haven't been good lately. I have take my worldly and sinful self to take over. Lord, PLEASE HELP ME..PLEASEEE

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

        Call it intuition  or simply paranoia but I have a feeling that something big will happen this year. I hope that its the breakthrough that I've been waiting for. However, I'm determined this time to make a jump start in all aspects of my life. Year 2013 had been a rock hill journey. Disappointments, pains, failures and dissatisfaction shadows me all year round. But as they've said, everything happens for a reason and I hope I have learned my lessons very well. This year, I want to make changes in my life. I don't want to be the same person anymore. I want to GROW and I want to LEARN. Make this 2014 be a stellar year for me. Help me please O Lord.